Designing and Installing a Landscape Border

Landscape borders help divide various parts of the yard to create a structured and cohesive look. Installing these borders helps to section off parts of the yard with different uses, such as separating a mulch patch or a flower bed from grassy areas. These borders signify that certain areas are not meant for play or walking and create a clear separation between the different materials in the landscape. When designing a landscape, consider possible borders that help elevate the design and function of the yard.


To start any landscaping project, draw out the plan for the space to provide a concrete vision for where the borders should be placed and how they should be shaped. Consider the general use of the space, such as a play area for children or outdoor living space, and what materials best complement the style of the home and other existing hardscape elements.


A border can be made from various materials, such as a line of pavers, a small stone wall, or a low metal lining. To choose the best border, consider what kind of natural material is in the yard. Taller borders are suitable for materials that are susceptible to spilling into the grass, like pine needles or mulch, while a shorter border is nice for flower beds so that the view of the flowers is not blocked.

Concrete is an easy and affordable option. Concrete kits are available at most hardware stores, and the material can be poured into prints to make unique, personal borders. Another popular choice is scalloped-edged cement, which has a high border and many colors. Wooden borders create a rustic feel in a landscape and come in various colors and designs.


Once the border has been planned and all the necessary materials purchased, it’s time to start construction. Mark the exact space for the border and then start digging in the area using a shovel or rototiller. Dig out the appropriate amount of dirt to create the chosen border.

Insert the border into the space according to the instructions for the specific material. Some materials must be prepared and placed strategically, like concrete, while others, like metal inserts, can be directly placed into the dirt. The border can be directly inserted if the soil is loose and easy to move.


Once the border has been securely placed into the ground and, if needed, dried thoroughly, decorate the area with the designated natural materials. Place fresh pine straw, mulch, or soil for planting a flower bed. With the new border installed, the natural material can easily stay in place and be protected from foot traffic.

Borders are an easy way to add structure and texture to a landscape but also serve a functional purpose by sectioning off landscape areas meant just for decor and ensuring loose materials do not spill into the grass. Installing borders can be simple or complex, depending on the budget and style of the landscape. Consider these steps when installing pavers to create seamless organization in any yard.

Prestige Landscape Company offers landscape design, installation, and seasonal or ongoing maintenance for residential and commercial clients in Nashville, TN. We create hardscaping, outdoor kitchens or living spaces, functional and sustainable landscape plantings, sod installation, lighting, and irrigation systems. Our maintenance crew provides ongoing or seasonal service, including weed control, plant trimming or replacement, and more. Contact us for a free estimate at (615) 395-6351.

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