Tips for Water-Saving Landscape Design

Many homeowners value a well-planned landscape design, but worry about how much water it takes to make their landscape thrive. There are, however, several water-saving landscape design tips that homeowners should keep in mind to save on cost and have a more environmentally friendly lawn.


Choosing the right plants is the foundation of landscape design, but it is crucial to choose the best plants for the climate. Plants that are native to the area are well-adapted to the average yearly rainfall, meaning that they do not require as much watering as other plants. They also require less fertilizer, as the local soil should have plenty of nutrients, and are resistant to local diseases and pests.


When selecting plants, deciding how to group them in the lawn determines how much water the plants need. Group plants by how much water they require to save time and avoid over or under-watering. Any plants that require a lot of water should be planted near the house so they can benefit from the rainfall that comes off the roof. Any plants that require drip irrigation should be far from the house.


Organic and inorganic mulching helps save water by reducing evaporation, keeping the soil cool, and maintaining healthy roots. Organic mulches are advantageous because they are cost-effective and more nutritious; use pine needles, bark chips, and compost. If inorganic mulches are more convenient, use rocks, pebbles, and landscaping paper.


The best time to water a landscape is in the morning because the temperatures are cool so plants can absorb water most effectively. While new and transplanted shrubs and flowers require less water, when watered at sunset, the water can evaporate. Watering at night also encourages mildew and fungus, endangering the plants.


Reducing the size of a lawn helps save on watering costs. Decrease the amount of grass planted, especially in areas like a playground or the front yard. Planting drought-resistant plants, such as buffalo grass and bermuda, also decreases the amount of water needed to keep a landscape thriving. Xeriscaping, a landscape design that reduces or eliminates the need for irrigation, is suitable for areas with little rainfall. A xeriscaped yard consists of pebbles, rock, and sand instead of grass.


Turfgrass requires the most water in landscaping, as opposed to lawns with a combination of plants. To minimize watering, only plant turfgrass where it is essential, such as in a play area, and use turf grass varieties that consume as little water as possible.


Consider a landscape’s exposure to wind and sunlight, moisture levels, and evaporation rates and choose plants that can survive in these conditions. If uncertain, consult a landscaping design expert for advice on the plants that can thrive in the local area.

Most homeowners are eager to discover ways of minimizing water usage in their landscape design while maintaining the aesthetic of their lawn. Considering these tips helps homeowners make informed decisions about the types of plants and layout of their landscape, allowing them to cultivate the beauty of their lawn at an affordable cost.

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